Thursday, September 3, 2009

just hanging around..only in Florence!

Well it's only been a couple days, and I like it here so much! After the hotel, I had to walk to the office for the school. This was a pain in the butt! especially cuz I had all my luggage to carry too...I had to stop multiple times just to catch my breath. Luckily, a middle aged guy helped me find my way, but he didn't know where I was going either, so we asked another person! haha, anyway, we finally made it, and I checked in and everything was just fine.

The apartment is huge! We have 8 girls total, 5 bedrooms. Everyone seems really nice, and the first night, we went out to a pizza place. My first meal was penne all abbarrita..or something like was spicy pasta dish, but it was delicious! Then of course, I had to try gelatto...absolutely amazing!

Yesterday we had orientation, which wasn't too exciting, but it was still fun. I am meeting a lot of people, but I want to meet more Italians, not just Americans. A facebook friend of mine, from Italy took me and 3 other of my roommates out for our first drink! This was nice, he was nice, and we just stayed for one round. I had a pina colada, and the drinks here are a lot stronger, but it was fun! We also walked around the Ponte Vecchio today, which is so amazing..seriously the whole city is just awesome. We saw one of the fake David statues, and it's about 5 minutes from our apartment!

I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed..there's so much to do..meeting people, exploring Italy, exploring Europe, but it's great, and I can't wait.


  1. Anna! sounds like you're having so much fun!! idk if you want comments, but the opportunity was i thought i'd let you know how jealous i am!! It's going to be such a great experience for you!!! The room and people sound sweeeeet. Well have fun & maybe try picking up the italian language before picking up the italian guys...but other than that, Miss you! Love you!

  2. Have a ball! I'm going to keep stalking your blog, just so you know. Post pics if you get the chance!
