Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's not where you go, it's how you get there

I finally made it to Florence!! Getting there wasn't so bad. After my parents dropped me off, I got on to that airport is huge!! I barely made the shuttle to the correct terminal, where I started the 9 hour flight to Zurich, Switzerland. This flight was awesome! There was terrific service, and I could watch movies and TV shows like I Love You Man and Scrubs! Plus, it was my first "legal" taste of wine, though I mostly drank water to stay hydrated. Then, since the flight came in early, I had 7 hours to chill in Zurich. Luckily, there were 3 other girls on the Zurich flight going to Florence too! So we became acquainted and hung out for a while, but they weren't on the same flight. Still, it was nice to be in the same boat. While I would have liked to explore Zurich, it wasn't really an opportune time, plus the time change started to kick I took a nap at the airport. As sketchy as it sounds, there was practically a whole room to nap in, and that's what everyone else was doing I took a couple naps, then got ready to go to Florence. When I went through security, they took my lotion!! :( I didn't know that would be such a violation haha..o well, I'll find some here or just wait til I come home.
I met 3 other students flying with me to Florence too! So that was good. Then we finally arrived, and lucky me, my baggage was not lost! The 2 guys we were with didn't have I really lucked out! Then I took a taxi to the hotel...and the lady was very nice and helpful. When I got to Hotel River, the reception guy was also very helpful and friendly. While he encouraged me to go out, I was way too tired, and just ended up hanging out in the hotel. To my surprise, Lost was on! Woo! Yes, it was in Italian, but still :) Well that's enough for now, but I'll be on again soon! Ciao!

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