Tuesday, September 8, 2009

first real weekend here

So this was the first real weekend in Italy! To say the least, it was awesome! Friday was really pretty chill, we made our "family" dinner, aka pasta, for all 8 of us who live in the apartment. It was fun!
Saturday, I had my first real dinner...meaning multiple courses. My friend, Sergio, took me out; it was kind of a date I guess ! I had a ravioli dish, which unfortunately was slathered in butter, so I had a bite, and it fell off my fork and splattered all over my blouse! How typical! Haha, but hopefully I'll get the stains out. :/ Then I had this chicken covered in some delicious white sauce. Of course, being Italy, we had wine with the meal,,very good. Then I got to try tiramissu, which was fabulous! He knew the manager, so they gave us a shot of some sweet lemon liquor..also good! So that was a lot of fun, aside from spilling on my shirt...
Then, me and the other roommates went to a club called Twice. They played pretty much only American music, which was cool,but also not really expanding our horizons,,, but it was a lot of fun! But so far, things are going well, and classes actually begin this week, so we'll see how that goes! ciao!


  1. I continue to get more and more jealous every time I read this but it sounds like you're having a wonderful time! Enjoy girl!
    miss you!

  2. "Some sweet lemon liquor" = LIMONCELLO??!!? It's best from Sorrento!
